General Information
1. The School will open on Thursday 31st August 2023.
2. School opens at 8:50 a.m. daily. Junior and Senior Infants finish at 1:30 p.m. daily.
First and Second Class finish at 2:30pm daily.
3. School closures and early closings are available on our website.
Newsletters will be sent to you regularly, most communication from school will be through the Aladdin App, text messages are sent from time to time. The school website – – contains all
up-to-date information including our live twitter feed.
4. The car park is for staff cars only. In the interest of safety parents are asked not
to drive into the car park and never to block the entrance. The car park must be
a child-free zone. The set-down area is only to be used for drop-off purposes.
5. The school uniform is navy trousers, white polo shirt, and navy jumper; plaid
pinafore/skirt, white polo shirt and navy jumper. Your co-operation is asked in
getting your child to wear the school uniform each day except on days when he /
she has P.E., when the school tracksuit and red polo is worn.
6. The school uniform and tracksuit can be purchased at The Schoolwear House,
Unit D7, Ballymount Cross Industrial Estate, Ballymount, Dublin 24 and may also
be purchased online at
7. Most items of the school uniform may be purchased directly from major retail
shopping outlets and our school crest may be purchased from the school office at
a cost of EUR5.00.
8. Children are asked to wear runners for P.E. as a safety precaution. Class
teachers will inform parents on the days their children have P.E. All school
footwear should have Velcro straps, not laces.
9. Your child’s books and all requisites will be available from the class teacher in September.
10. All communications about absences need to be entered into the Aladdin App. Please only use the telephone in an emergency.
11. Please label all coats, jumpers, etc. Misplaced items that are labelled are easily
12. Please do not give your child fizzy drinks or glass bottles for lunch. One of the
school’s aims is the promotion of healthy eating. On Fridays a small treat, i.e. a mini chocolate bar,
two biscuits or similar, can be included in your child’s lunch box. Peanuts and any food containing nuts eg. nutella are absolutely forbidden.
13. The school is in compliance with the Children First Act 2015, Children First:
National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, and has fully
implemented the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary
Schools 2017. The Stay Safe Programme is taught in the school as part of
SPHE. Copies of our Child Safeguarding Statement, Anti-bullying Policy and
Code of Behaviour are available on request and may also be viewed on the
school website.
September 2023.